Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Lok Sabha constituency Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday is going for a complete lockdown, as 12 new cases of Coronavirus were reported in the city on Tuesday.
The district authorities have announced a complete lockdown in the city to curtail the spread of COVID-19 outbreak in the city. As per the order applicable in areas falling under the Varanasi municipal limits, all shops, mandis and home delivery services will remain closed and curfew passes also stand cancelled for today.
Government offices officials, those involved in essential services, and health workers of private and government hospitals on COVID-19 duty are allowed to travel or step out of their homes.
Varanasi District Magistrate(DM) Kaushal Raj Sharma said that a decision on opening of shops and resumption of other services in a new manner may be taken after Wednesday.
Sharma further added that those stepping out of their houses, other than in case of medical emergency, may face action by the authorities as strict vigil will be in place.
PM Modi’s constituency has reported to have 49 positive cases of Coronavirus, while Uttar Pradesh’s total COVID-19 cases passed 2,000 mark with 31 fatalities so far.