

Trump slams US-Mexico border deal as “catastrophe waiting to happen”

Former US President Donald Trump has slammed the US-Mexico border deal as a “catastrophe waiting to happen,” The Hill reported.

Trump slams US-Mexico border deal as “catastrophe waiting to happen”

NewUS President Donald Trump (Photo:IANS)

Former US President Donald Trump has slammed the US-Mexico border deal as a “catastrophe waiting to happen,” The Hill reported.
In a Saturday morning post on Truth Social, Trump called the southern border the “worst” in the “history of the world” and alleged that the US might suffer from another terrorist attack.

Trump wrote on Truth Social: “Just 3 years ago, we had the strongest and safest border in US history. Today, we have a catastrophe waiting to happen. It is the worst border in the history of the world, an open wound in our once great country.”
He said: “Terrorists are pouring in, unchecked, from all over the world. There is now a 100 per cent chance that there will be major terror attacks in the USA. Close the border!”
Trump continued his messaging to Republicans in Congress that they should abstain from reaching a bipartisan deal addressing the southern border, as per The Hill.
“A bad border deal is far worse than no border deal,” Trump wrote in another post on Truth Social.


As per The Hill, the former president’s stance on the current Senate negotiations over giving aid to Ukraine and other countries and addressing the border is giving lawmakers trouble in reaching an agreement. It has also upset lawmakers on both sides as they deal with the former president’s influence over the Republican Party.
The deal being negotiated in Congress would require the US to shutter the border if roughly 5,000 migrants cross illegally on any given day. Some one-day totals last year exceeded 10,000.


As per CNN, US President Joe Biden is embracing tougher border measures, including shutting down the US-Mexico border, marking a stark shift from his early days in office
Biden took office pledging to restore asylum and manage the border in a “humane” way. But his administration has faced the harsh realities and challenges at the US-Mexico border amid record migration across the Western Hemisphere — making it a political vulnerability seized on by Republicans, according to CNN.
