Trump announces US withdrawal from World Health Organisation
Trump has long been critical of the WHO, and his administration formally withdrew from the organisation in July 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic continued to spread.
The letter will come with a leaflet containing the government’s advice on hand washing, rules on leaving the house, guidance for those self-isolating with symptoms or shielding vulnerable people, and explanations of symptoms.
Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson. (Photo: AFP)
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has recently tested postive for novel Coronavirus, will write to every UK household to urge people to ‘stay at home’.
The health minister, Matt Hancock, has also tested positive and is working from home.
“We know things will get worse before they get better,” Johnson will write in his letter, which will be sent to 30 million households across the United Kingdom starting from next week.
“But we are making the right preparations, and the more we all follow the rules, the fewer lives will be lost and the sooner life can return to normal,” he will say, according to a statement from Downing Street.
UK has reported 17,089 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 1,019 deaths.
The peak of the epidemic in the country is expected to come in a few weeks.
The letter will come with a leaflet containing the government’s advice on hand washing, rules on leaving the house, guidance for those self-isolating with symptoms or shielding vulnerable people, and explanations of symptoms.
On Friday, PM Johnson informed after testing positive for deadly virus that he will continue to discharge his duties from self-isolation.
Taking to Twitter, PM Johnson said, “Over the last 24 hours I have developed mild symptoms and tested positive for coronavirus”.
“I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus”, he further posted.
Meanwhile, some ministers in the Johnson government and MPs have also tested positive for COVID-19.
Earlier, Prince Charles had joined the bandwagon of high-profile cases of Coronavirus, as he tested positive for COVID-19 infection and is under self-isolation at home in Scotland with “mild symptoms”.
PM Johnson has called for a three-week shutdown in the country.