Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Saturday announced Rs 1500 per acre financial assistance to farmers adopting direct sowing of paddy.
In a video message Bhagwant Mann asked farmers to bring more agricultural land under direct sowing of paddy instead of the traditional paddy transplantation.
The CM said farmers could start the direct sowing of rice from 20 May. He said the Punjab government would not only provide Rs 1500 per acre financial help to farmers implementing direct paddy sowing in their fields but the agriculture department would also extend requisite cooperation and support for the same.
Expressing concern over the decreasing ground water table by day, the CM underlined the need to save the groundwater. The traditional methods of paddy sowing leads to excessive consumption of water, which resulted in depletion of water table, said the CM adding that some districts had fallen in the red zone category.
In an appeal to farmers, Bhagwant Mann said, ‘’This season not only you yourself come forward for direct sowing of rice but also motivate your relatives and friends for this in the interest of Punjab. Joint efforts can save the decreasing water table and all of us should join hands for this noble cause.’’
Referring to new innovations of agri-scientists, Mann said the direct sowing was beneficial for the environment as well as economically viable for farmers, which also secures the yield of crops.
This technique will also be helpful in getting increased production of wheat in the fields, where direct sowing of paddy was adopted.
Mann held a meeting with 24 farmers organisations on 17 April where he urged them not only to adopt the direct sowing method but also to make others aware of this so that the water table could be maintained.
He had also directed the officials to motivate farmers to save precious water and electricity with the DSR technique in paddy season by visiting villages.