

PTI clueless on survival strategy

In the post May 9 situation, the PTI has no strategy for its revival. The party is clueless about what…

PTI clueless on survival strategy

PTI Chief Imran Khan(Photo: Twitter/@ImrankhanPTI

In the post May 9 situation, the PTI has no strategy for its revival. The party is clueless about what to do except adopt the policy of wait and see, media reports said.

Those PTI leaders, who have not yet deserted because most of them are hiding, believe that minus Imran Khan will mean minus PTI, The News reported.

In a party meeting of such “trusted” leaders, attended via Zoom, Imran Khan was told that he should not concede to any minus one formula. A PTI source, who attended the meeting, said the party’s Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi was not among the participants of the Zoom gathering, The News reported.


When asked why Qureshi was missing from the meeting, the source laughingly said that only the ideological leaders attended the discussion.

“Let them minus the entire PTI, we will not accept minus Imran Khan” the meeting unanimously told Khan, adding that they will not accept any minus Imran Khan formula. If they want to minus Imran Khan, let them minus the entire PTI, said the source, The News reported.
