Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, on Monday, announced that late fee on outstanding water bills in the national capital will be 100 per cent waived off till December 31.
Taking to Twitter, Kejriwal wrote: “The government has taken a big decision to provide relief to the people of Delhi from the outstanding water bills. Late fee (late payment surcharge) on outstanding water bills will be 100 per cent waived off till December 31, 2022. You can pay your old outstanding bills without worrying about late fees.”
Kejriwal has also approved a project that would make the Yamuna pollution-free under which sewers falling in Keshopur and Najafgarh will be cleaned daily and dumped in the Najafgarh drain.
“A very important project has been approved today to make Yamuna pollution free. Under this, 85 MGD sewers falling in Keshopur and Najafgarh will be cleaned daily and dumped in the Najafgarh drain. This will reduce the pollution of Yamuna water by 30 per cent. This step will prove to be very helpful in cleaning the Yamuna,” tweeted Kejriwal.
He in a series of tweets said that sewage pumping stations will be built on Badli, Nigam Bodh and Mori Gate drain in order to make Yamuna pollution free.
“To clean the water of Yamuna, three more important projects have been approved today – a total of 55 MGD sewage pumping stations will be built on Badli, Nigam Bodh and Mori Gate drain. With this, the dirty water of these drains will not go into the Yamuna,” Kejriwal tweeted.