In an unusual incident aboard a Croatian flight, a professional boxer from Britain tried to open the door of the aircraft after the flight had taken off. He was restrained by the passengers as could be seen in the video footage.
The incident happened at Zadar Airport in Croatia on June 30.
Zadar Police Department identified the man as a 27-year-old British citizen who is a boxer. His name has not been disclosed. The Ryanair flight was on its way to London Stansted from Zadar.
Ryanair Airlines issued a statement saying the flight returned to stand ‘when an individual passenger became disruptive while preparing for take-off’. The passenger was removed from the aircraft before the flight continued safely to its destination.
Many people on the Ryanair flight were returning from the 5-day Hideout Festival held in Zrce, on the island of Pag.
The passenger has been arrested at the scene Zadar Police Department. He was taken to the Criminal Misdemeanor Department of the Municipal Court in Zadar.
In a statement translated to English, the Zadar police issued a statement that the suspect offered active resistance during interrogation and coercion had to be used against him.
The boxer had become violent. He attacked police officials in the transport vehicle and the hospital premises, while he was being ferried from the court to the hospital.
He was being taken to the hospital keeping in mind his distracted mental state. He also tried to injure himself.
After the completion of the criminal investigation against him, he was handed over to the custody supervisor of the Zadar Police Department.
Ryanair Airlines has apologized to the passengers for the inconvenience caused as a result of the passenger’s disruptive behaviour.