Candidates appeared for JSC, JDC, PEC and equivalent Ebtedayee examination 2018 and waiting to check their results 2018 don’t need to wait much. As per the latest updates, Junior School Certificate (JSC) Results 2018, Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) Results 2018 and Primary Education Completion (PEC) Results 2018 and its equivalent Ebtedayee examinations results will be declared on the official website i.e. on December 24.
Bangladesh Education Board conducted the JSC and JDC examinations 2018 across the examination centers from November 1 to November 15 and about 30 lakh candidates applied for the examination and out of which 26.5 lakh candidates entered the examination hall.
Earlier, it was believed that the Bangladesh Exam Results 2018 for JDC, JSC, PEC and other is expected on December 27 but in the latest confirmation the Prime Minister has officially released the result declaration date to be December 24.
Examination Results will be announced by Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid along with Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman in separate press conference.
Once the Bangladesh Education Board declares the examination results 2018 on the official website then the candidates need to enter the official webpage and follow the instructions to get their results. Candidates are advised to keep important information including roll number, registration number along with them before accessing the official result website.
Due to the huge number of visitors on the Bangladesh Education Board official website sometime the website may get slow or down and in such case candidates are advised to stay calm and try to refresh the webpage in a short interval of time.