A recent claim from a Telegram channel has raised questions about the appearances of Russian President Vladimir Putin. While the credibility of the channel remains unverified, it alleged that all of Putin’s recent public appearances were carried out by a body double.
The Mirror reported the channel’s allegations over the weekend, suggesting that Putin had experienced a “cardiac arrest” on a Sunday evening, requiring resuscitation in an intensive care unit within his residence. However, the Kremlin promptly dismissed these reports, asserting that there was no truth to the claims of a cardiac arrest.
Speculation about Putin’s health has been circulating since the onset of his full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Various reports have suggested a range of health issues, from cancer to Parkinson’s disease, and even the use of body doubles. Recent events in his schedule, including a visit to China with stopovers in two Russian cities on the way back, have added to the conjecture.
In a 2020 interview, Putin addressed longstanding rumors about his use of body doubles. While denying the claims, he did acknowledge that he had offers of the option of using one in the past for security reasons.
What is a body double?
A body double, sometimes referred to as a “stand-in” or “stunt double,” is an individual employed to substitute for another person in specific scenes or tasks. In the context of movies and television, filmmakers often use body doubles when the primary actor is unavailable or when the scene requires actions or circumstances that the actor prefers not to perform.
The key requirement for a body double is a close physical resemblance to the actor, encompassing factors like height, build, and complexion. This resemblance ensures that the audience remains unaware of the substitution, preserving the continuity of the storyline and creating a seamless viewing experience.
While the use of body doubles is a common practice in the entertainment industry, the allegations regarding Vladimir Putin’s possible employment of a body double have stirred public curiosity. The Kremlin’s swift dismissal of these claims underscores the challenge of verifying such reports in the absence of concrete evidence. As speculation and rumors continue to circulate, it remains unclear whether the mystery surrounding Putin’s recent appearances will definitively resolve or remain shrouded in uncertainty.