The CBI on Friday arrested a project manager of the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) and an another person for allegedly seeking a bribe of Rs 2 lakh for regularising a roadside eatery in Tamil Nadu, an agency spokesperson said.
The spokesperson said that one M Rayar owned a 6,000-sq feet land at Poonthottam village in the Villupuram district adjacent to the NH 45 which was rented out for last six months for running a restaurant.
NHAI Project Director H Bhima Simha issued a notice calling the restaurant unauthorised and directed it be removed, a CBI FIR in the case alleged.
It said Rayar had applied for regularising the eatery and remitted necessary charges of Rs 1.60 lakh through a demand draft in the favour of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in August.
Not getting any response, he met Simha who allegedly demanded Rs 2 lakh for giving permission, it alleged.
Rayar approached the CBI as he did not want to pay the bribe, it said.
The agency laid a trap and arrested Simha and a private person while they were receiving the alleged bribe money, the CBI spokesperson said.