CDS Gen Anil Chauhan Concludes Visit to Australia
During the visit, Gen Chauhan engaged in extensive discussions with Admiral David Johnston, Australia’s Chief of Defence Force, and members of the Chiefs of Staff Committee.
Cannabis (Photo: Getty Images)
The state opposition government in Australia's New South Wales on Tuesday said it will push for medical cannabis to be legal for patients suffering from terminal and other long term illnesses.
The legislation would allow those who are afflicted with diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV, to have on their person 15 grams of the currently illicit substance, for their own personal use in treating their condition.
State opposition leader Luke Foley is adamant that the bill would allow those who are currently suffering to treat their diseases, and ease their pain, without being viewed as criminals by the authorities, Xinhua news agency reported.
"This is about restoring dignity to those seeking temporary relief from the pain and suffering of their affliction," Foley said.
"Seeking respite from relentless and unwavering illness should not be a criminal offence."
The last time similar legislation was presented before state parliament was during the reign of Barry O'Farrell in 2013, when it was denied.