Lessons from Beirut
Ammonium nitrate explosions have caused other accidents, too, in the past, and it is for this reason that most countries have stringent regulations on storage of the chemical.
(PHOTO: Getty Images)
At least 18 people were injured in an explosion during an improperly conducted science experiment at a high school in the US state of Tennessee.
The explosion was caused on Wednesday by an unintentional chemical reaction in the science lab of Merrol Hyde Magnet school in Hendersonville city, which caused a temporary fiery-flash lasting three to five seconds, Xinhua news agency reported quoting the Fire Department chief as saying.
Seventeen students and a teacher were injured and were treated at the site.
Eight of them, who suffered second-degree burns, were later sent to a hospital. The Fire Department chief said that all were expected to be discharged from the hospital soon.
Classes for the rest of the day at the school were cancelled.