The recent double murder in Bengaluru has raised questions about the victims, Phanindra Subramanya and Vinu Kumar, who served as the Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aeronics Media Private Limited, respectively. The Bengaluru Police swiftly apprehended three individuals, including two former colleagues of the deceased, in connection with the crime.
The main accused, Shabarish (also known as Felix), along with Santhosh and Vinay Reddy, allegedly entered the Aeronics Media office premises in the Amruthahalli area on Tuesday afternoon. It is believed that they carried out the brutal attack on Vinu Kumar and Phanindra Subramanya, using sharp objects.
The motive behind the heinous act appears to be linked to a business rivalry. Shabarish and Santhosh were previously employed at G-Net, another broadband company where Phanindra and Vinu Kumar had worked before. However, due to reported differences with Arun Kumar, the owner of G-Net, the duo decided to establish their own venture, Aeronics Media, in November 2022. As Aeronics Media gained popularity, employees and customers began to shift their loyalty to the new company, intensifying the competition between the two firms.
Allegedly, Shabarish, Santhosh, and Vinay Reddy conspired with Arun Kumar, who is currently at large, to carry out the tragic murder. The police investigation continues to unravel further details surrounding the case.
This shocking incident highlights the dark side of business rivalries and their potential consequences. The Bengaluru Police’s swift action in apprehending the suspects brings hope for justice, as authorities work diligently to piece together the motives and events that led to the double murder.