Suraj Kumar, a budding actor in the Kannada film industry, has recently garnered attention following a tragic accident that resulted in the amputation of his right leg. The 24-year-old actor, also known by his screen name Dhruvan, hails from a film background as the son of renowned film producer S A Srinivas.
Before making his foray into acting, Suraj Kumar had gained experience working as an assistant director in movies such as “Airavatha” and “Tharak.” His aspirations to shine as a leading actor led him to secure roles in promising projects, generating excitement among his fans and the industry.
Among the notable films associated with Suraj Kumar was the much-anticipated “Ratham,” where he was set to showcase his acting prowess alongside popular Malayali actress Priya Prakash Varrier. His potential was widely acknowledged, and the audience eagerly awaited his on-screen debut.
Tragically, Suraj Kumar’s dreams were abruptly interrupted when he encountered a major accident while traveling between Mysuru and Ooty. His two-wheeler collided with a tipper lorry, resulting in severe injuries. Urgently rushed to Manipal Hospital in Mysuru, doctors were left with no choice but to amputate his leg below the knee.
The news of Suraj Kumar’s unfortunate accident sent shockwaves through the industry, prompting an outpouring of support from fellow actors and industry veterans. Kannada superstar Shiva Rajkumar, son of the legendary Dr Rajkumar, and his wife Geetha were among those who visited Suraj Kumar at the hospital. The Rajkumar family shares a familial bond with Suraj Kumar, as he is the nephew of Dr Rajkumar’s wife, Parvathamma.
Currently, Suraj Kumar remains in the hospital, focusing on his recovery and receiving necessary medical attention. His indomitable spirit and determination to succeed in the industry continue to inspire fans and well-wishers.