Rathika Rose, a rising star in the Telugu film industry, has been creating quite a buzz lately. All eyes are on her as the highly anticipated 7th season of Bigg Boss Telugu is premiering on September 3, 2023, and Rathika Rose is among the contestants.
Let’s get to know Rathika Rose a bit better.
Rathika Rose’s journey in the world of cinema began with a role in the 2020 movie “Bomma Adhirindhi Dhimma Thirigindhi,” alongside Shakalaka Shankar. Though the film didn’t achieve blockbuster status, it marked a significant turning point in her career.
But it was her role as a police officer in the film “Nenu Student Sir” that truly defined her career. Rathika Rose not only displayed her acting talent but also received widespread acclaim. “Nenu Student Sir” garnered positive responses from both audiences and critics, earning Rathika Rose the recognition she rightfully deserves.
Born in Andhra Pradesh, India, Rathika spent her early years in this culturally rich and diverse state. She completed her schooling and then set off on a new adventure by relocating to Hyderabad for her intermediate and undergraduate education.
While pursuing her engineering degree at Nallmalla Reddy Institutions, Rathika Rose’s passion for the world of entertainment remained steadfast. Even during her academic pursuits, she took the initial steps toward her dream of becoming an actress.
As the countdown to Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7 continues, Rathika Rose’s journey from a small-town girl to a promising Telugu actress is sure to capture the hearts of viewers across the nation. Stay tuned for her exciting journey in the world of reality television.