Laik Ahmed Fida Hussain Sheikh, a 50-year-old man, arrested by the Mumbai Police, is a shooter of the Chhota Shakeel gang. He was arrested by Pydhonie Police from near Thane railway station on July 28. Sheikh is accused in the murder of a member of the arrested underworld don Chhota Rajan gang.
According to the official, the police tracked down Sheikh’s whereabouts and captured him on Friday after setting up a trap close to Thane Railway Station.
On July 28, Pydhonie Police arrested Laik Ahmed Fida Hussain Sheikh (50), a gunman for the Chhota Shakeel gang, near the Thane railway station. The official stated on Friday that Sheikh is suspected of killing a member of the Chhota Rajan gang, an organized crime group that has been apprehended.
On April 2 1997, Sheikh along with his accomplices shot dead Munna Dhari who was a member of the arrested underworld don Chhota Rajan gang.
On the evening of April 2, 1997, the accused and his cronies shot and killed Munna Dhari, a member of the gang led by the detained don Chhota Rajan.
At that time, the police arrested Sheikh by filing a complaint under Sections 302, 34 of the IPC and Sections 3, 25 of the Arms Act against the suspect.
In 1998, a judge granted bail to Sheikh on bond, the police official continued.
The accused Sheikh disappeared in 1998 and did not show up for any court proceedings, at which point he was labelled a fugitive.
Secret sources provided the police with information indicating that the accused Sheikh resided in Mumbra. then, when they arrived at the address, they could not trace him. Nobody recognized him in the area. Police also received information that the accused worked as a taxi driver at the Thane campus.
Finally, the police were able to trace him by setting a trap and arrested him on Friday.