The Yogi Adityanath government has appointed Sonam Kinnar as the vice-president of the newly constituted Uttar Pradesh Transgender Welfare Board.
The post is equivalent to that of a minister of state.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is the chairperson of the Board.
The Board was constituted earlier this year on directions of the Supreme Court.
Sonam, who was earlier a member of the Samajwadi Party, joined the BJP in August and after getting her current post, ‘cursed’ Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav saying that he would never return to power and that BJP would form the government again with a majority.
She said that if given a chance by the BJP, she would like to contest the 2022 Assembly elections against Yadav to ensure his defeat. She added that the BJP would have the support of the around 5 lakhs-strong Kinnar community in the state.
Sonam had unsuccessfully contested the 2014 Lok Sabha polls against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi from Amethi.