The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh has decided to equip 1,70,896 Anganwadi Centres with booklets and preschool kits for the smooth implementation of Early Childhood Children Education (ECCE) scheme.
In addition, the centres will also provide assessment cards for children.
According to the government spokesman, under the New Education Policy 2020, preschool kits have been distributed to children at 1,06,128 Anganwadi centres spread over 44 districts of UP as part of the ECCE scheme.
The National Book Trust is providing storybooks for three to six-year-old children according to their age, apart from conducting field visits to the centres to promote activity-based learning.
In order to facilitate the implementation of ECCE activities at Anganwadi centres, an ECCE manual named ‘Pahal’ has been prepared by the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) for the Anganwadi workers.
This manual has been prepared as per the syllabus developed by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) and has been distributed in all 44 districts.
Furthermore, category wise individual assessment cards for the half-yearly assessment of three to six-year-old children have reached 44 districts of the state.
The spokesman said that the Anganwadi Centre buildings are being constructed in the state as per the guidelines of the Government of India through the convergence of MGNREGA, Panchayati Raj, and the Child Development and nutrition department.
It is worth mentioning here that of the targeted 10,187 Anganwadi Centres in four years, construction of 8,820 Anganwadi centres has been completed while construction of 1,367 buildings is underway.