Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed the health department officials to convert schools and colleges into vaccination centres for wider coverage of the inoculation process in remote areas.
He laid the stress on increasing the number of vaccinations in rural areas to cover a large number of the unvaccinated population.
According to the government spokesman, as many as 67 districts of the state reported no Covid case in the last 24 hours on Sunday.
In the same duration, however, 12 patients of Covid were reported from across the state and three patients were said to have recovered from the infection. The number of active Covid cases in the state stood at 99.
“The chief minister has asked officials to undertake shift-wise vaccination in rural areas to push forward the process with strength and speed. It is important to speed up the process of vaccination in rural areas. For this, inter-departmental coordination should be done.
“In villages, the health department should conduct shift-wise vaccination and do it with swiftness. Schools and colleges should be doubled as vaccination centres for wider coverage in remote areas,” he said.
The state is now close to vaccinating 14 crores of its eligible adult population, with as many as 13.97 crore people vaccinated so far. Over 26 per cent of Uttar Pradesh’s population eligible for Covid vaccination has already taken both doses of the vaccine, the government spokesman said.
Around 69 per cent of the eligible adult population has received its first dose of the Covid vaccine until now.
The number of fresh Covid cases has been under the 50-mark for three consecutive months in the state, the government claimed.