Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday assured that those responsible for the death of Mahant Narendra Giri would not be spared at any cost.
The chief minister reached the Bagambhari Mutt and offered floral tributes to the departed saint.
Yogi Adityanath said that “Several pieces of evidence have been collected regarding the incident. A team of senior police officials is investing the case.”
Several leaders, saints and eminent citizens from all walks of life are reaching Prayagraj to pay respects to the departed saint.
Meanwhile, the police have filed an FIR against Anand Giri, who was Narendra Giri’s protege and closest aide until they fell out in May. Caught by the police in Uttarakhand last evening, he has been accused of harassing the seer.
Anand Giri was allegedly expelled by the seer over allegations of fraud and financial mismanagement. There was an apparent patch-up a few days later, with a video showing Anand Giri seeking forgiveness at the feet of his mentor, but the police suspect it was short-lived.
The two other disciples detained for questioning are Sandeep Tiwari and Aadya Tiwari, who stayed with Narendra Giri.