The first day of Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Padyatra in Uttar Pradesh ended on Tuesday at Baghpat. Sources said the Congress MP returned to Delhi and will rejoin the yatra at 6 am tomorrow from Mavi Kala in Baghpat.
Former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Digvijay Singh, along with senior UP leaders, was present during the padyatra.
Taking cue from Rahul’s absence in the yatra, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak said that the Yatra will pass only after just touching UP as the Congress was afraid of going inside the state.
Addressing a press conference in Lucknow, he said, “It is clear from this that the people of UP have rejected Rahul Gandhi and the Congress. That’s why they are taking a symbolic journey and moving out just touching UP,” he said.
Targeting Rahul Gandhi, he said this is the same Rahul Gandhi who left the people of UP and went to Kerala. He also said that Congress works to weaken democracy.”Rahul Gandhi is pretending to unite India. Their yatra is attended by Tukde-Tukde gang men and had demoralised our jawan through his statements,” he further added.
Pathak also alleged that the yatra has neither any meaning nor any purpose. The journey is just to strengthen the Gandhi family.
Congress general secretary (in charge of UP) Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who joined the yatra, claimed that her elder brother Rahul is now a warrior.
Priyanka looked at Rahul from the stage while addressing the people and said, “Look here my elder brother… I am most proud of you. You are a warrior.”
She said the government tried to tarnish the image of Rahul Gandhi by spending crores of rupees using its powers. But Rahul is a warrior and he will not deviate from the path of truth.
Priyanka also said Rahul does not feel cold because he has covered the sheet of truth. She alleged that Ambani-Adani bought politicians and media houses by spending crores of rupees but could not buy you( people).