The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on Wednesday introduced ‘Virtual ID’ (VID) to safeguard Aadhaar cardholders’ data. The ‘Virtual ID’ (VID) will be a 16-digit, randomly-generated number which can be used for authentication instead of the original Aadhaar number, according to UIDAI.
The UIDAI is now instructing all agencies to now use 16-digit Virtual ID (VID) instead of Aadhaar number within their application.
What is ‘Virtual ID’ (VID) ?
The ‘Virtual ID’ (VID) will be a temporary, revocable 16-digit random number mapped with the Aadhaar number. It will not be possible to derive Aadhaar number from VID.
“Last digit of the VID is the checksum using ‘Verhoeff’ algorithm as in Aadhaar number. There will be only one active and valid VID for an Aadhaar number at any given time,” the UIDAI said in a statement.
The “Verhoeff” algorithm is a checksum formula for error detection developed by the Dutch mathematician Jacobus Verhoeff and was first published in 1969.
This is how ‘Virtual ID’ (VID) works:
– A ‘Virtual ID’ (VID) can only be generated by the Aadhaar number holder.
– Aadhaar number holder can use VID in lieu of Aadhaar number whenever authentication or KYC services are performed.
– Authentication may be performed using VID in a manner similar to using Aadhaar number.
– Users can give this Virtual ID along with the fingerprint at the time of authentication. Since the system generated Virtual ID will be mapped to an individual’s Aadhaar number itself, it will work the same way as your Aadhaar number worked.
“VID, by design being temporary, cannot be used by agencies for de-duplication. VID is revocable and can be replaced by a new one by Aadhaar number holder after the minimum validity period set by UIDAI policy,” the authority added.
– They can also replace (revoke and generate new one) their VID from time to time after the UIDAI set minimum validity period.
“UIDAI will provide various options to Aadhaar number holders to generate their VID, retrieve their VID in case they forget, and replace their VID with a new number. These options will be made available via UIDAI’s resident portal, Aadhaar Enrollment Center and mAaadhaar mobile application, etc,” it added.
(Written with inputs from IANS)