Twitter on Wednesday said that it would give its users more control over who can reply to a tweet, a move to control the online abuse on the social networking site.
In order to control the online bullying, the site will give its users three options, Global, Group and Panel, announced the company during CES, the world’s largest consumer-electronics show, which kicked off this week in Las Vegas.
As the name suggests, option ‘Global’ will allow anyone to reply to your tweet. Whereas, the ‘Group’ limit replies to people you follow and mention (Group).
The third option, ‘Panel’ will be only for people included in the conversation, and no one at all ‘Statement’ as the fourth option, announced Twitter’s director of product management, Suzanne Xie during the event.
With this feature, users will not need to take your account private to avoid bullies. The feature will be launched globally in the later part of the year.
According to The Verge, Xie said that Twitter is “in the process of doing research on the feature” and that “the mockups are going to be part of an experiment we’re going to run” in the first quarter.
Other than this, Twitter is also working to change how we converse online, as it is working to create such a system through which users are able to a conversation on a single screen.
(With input from agencies)