Sony India on Tuesday launched a new full-frame “a7R III” interchangeable lens mirrorless camera in the country. The new camera combines a high-resolution 42.4MP back-illuminated “Exmor R CMOS” image sensor with impressive shooting speeds at up to 10 frames per second (fps) with full AF/AE tracking.
It also has 4K video recording capabilities, wide dynamic range and high sensitivity features with noise reduction. The “Exmor R CMOS” image sensor dramatically improves light collection efficiency, resulting in high sensitivity with low-noise performance and wide dynamic range, the company said in a statement.
The Sony a7R III full-frame camera can also shoot continuously at up to 8 fps in live view mode. The camera is available with a software suite called “Imaging Edge” which helps the user from pre-processing to post-processing.
Also making its debut with the new camera is a new “Pixel Shift Multi Shooting mode” which works with 5-axis optical in-body stabilisation to create super-high resolution composite images.
The battery life of the new camera has been enhanced with the utilisation of Sony’s “Z” series battery that have approximately 2.2 times the capacity of the “W” series battery in the earlier model. It is also equipped with Wi-Fi which allows for transfer of files to a smartphone, tablet, computer or a FTP server.
The Sony a7R III is priced at Rs. 2,64,990 and will be available from November 24. Sony has also launched a new FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS Standard Zoom (SEL24105G) full-frame E-mount lens, which is priced at Rs. 1,09,990.
(Written with inputs from IANS)