Kolkata records first robotic kidney surgery
In a remarkable medical achievement, an eight-year-old boy suffering from hydronephrosis underwent a successful robotic surgery.
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The super specialty hospital of the Vaishnodevi shrine near Katra will soon introduce robotic surgery. This will be the first such facility in any hospital in Jammu and Kashmir.
The decision was taken on Sunday in an effort to augment non-invasive microendoscopic surgery which is an advanced technique in ensuring bloodless surgery and quick recovery of the patient.
Governor NN Vohra, who is the chairman of the shrine board, and the super specialty hospital, visited it along with doctor Devi Shetty, chairman of the Narayana Sciences, Bengaluru, and reviewed the functioning of the hospital.
Considering the pressing medical care needs of the state, it was decided to set up a PET-CT scanner before December this year. This facility will, interalia, help in early diagnoses of cancer. The other new facilities planned to be put in place in the hospital this year include renal, liver and cardiac transplant, bone marrow transplant, neuro-rehabilitation and augmentation of the existing facilities of endoscopic ultrasound, electrophysiology, plastic and cosmetic surgery.
It was also decided that free registration of patients for OPD treatment at the hospital will continue up to 31 August, free OPD will continue up to 31 December 2017, and there will be a discount of 10 per cent on dialysis and sale of medicine in the OPD pharmacy.