Google has rolled out ‘Questions & Answers’ feature to Google Maps and mobile Search to help users get information about places they want to go to.
Users can ask or answer a question — or read the existing questions and answers about a place — by simply searching for the location on Google Maps or mobile Search.
“Scroll down to the ‘Question & Answers’ section where you can add a question, answer someone else’s question or upvote informative ones by tapping the thumbs up icon,” Lisa Wang, Associate Product Manager of Google Maps, wrote in a blog post late on Wednesday.
Upvoted questions and answers will appear at the top of the section so that the most helpful content is most accessible.
To make sure ‘Questions & Answers’ contains the most accurate and useful local info possible, business owners can add frequently-asked questions and answers.
In addition, when users ask a question about a place, Google will notify the business owner and other in-the-know users to see if they have answers to contribute.
When a user’s question is answered, Google notifies him or her.