Six months after launching the Samsung Galaxy Fold, the company is back with its ‘much-improved’ version. However, chances are acute that the device will suffice the requirements of its consumers.
This time Samsung has placed the screen protector under a plastic rim that makes it impossible to be removed. The placement of the plastic rim should prevent the cracks that ruined the original version of the brick. New caps installed at the top and bottom of the hinge are likely to stop debris getting in the display section. In the original Fold dust and other particles sometimes caused the screen to bubble up and break. The backbone of the Fold, hinge, is also expected to be stronger in the restructured version.
The inner screen opens up with the help of the hinge and turns the phone into a 7-inch tablet. The outer screen or the main screen is mostly used for quick message replies and making phone calls. Samsung Fold’s external screen works well but for such basic purposes as the space on the screen is too cramped for other tasks. However, the concept of carrying a tablet into your pocket makes Samsung Fold one of the best tablet-sized screens devices available in the market. Multiple apps on one screen give it an additional point to it, as the user can watch videos while texting or surfing online.
The 7-inch screen can be used as a mini desktop where the user can divide the area into sections and use the apps or other functions, all at one time.
Though the company has worked on all the drawbacks of the Fold, there are still some issues with the display. It gets hard on eyes to use the device in bright light. The dividing screen is still visible while viewing something dark. The Fold is still not water or dust resistant, a basic feature that sells almost every high-end smartphone available in the market. The inner screen can still be damaged from fingernails.
(With input from agencies)