Samsung on Thursday launched a new range of air conditioners in India. The South Korean brand has introduced 40 models across different segments that include ‘Wind-Free AC 2.0’ with Wi-Fi capability that automatically goes into an energy-saving mode if does not detect any human presence for an hour.
These air conditioners will be available in stores from this month onwards. The new split AC range will start from Rs 35,990 and will go up to Rs 73,990.
“With our new range, we have ensured all those expectations are met. In addition, consumers also get Samsung’s best-in-class technology and the most trusted brand,” said Rajeev Bhutani, Senior Vice President, HVAC division, Consumer Electronics Business, Samsung India.
Wind-Free 2.0 series
There are three Wind-Free 2.0 models, for Rs 57,990, Rs 67,990 and Rs 73,990. Customers opting for Wind-Free 2.0 AC will get an express installation service wherein the AC installation will be done within 4 hours from time of delivery.
Air conditioners in this segment use 23,000 micro-holes (from 21,000 in the previous version) to spread air evenly throughout the room, maintaining a comfortable level of coolness. It also enables users to control ACs with Smart Home App via Wi-Fi.
The product comes with 10 years of warranty on the compressor and features an energy-efficient Digital Inverter. The users can save up to 77 per cent energy as compared to the ‘Fast Cooling Mode’.
Triple Inverter series
ACs in this segment features convertible mode as an option. This means that customer can convert its 2 Ton AC to 1.5 Ton, 1.5 Ton to 1 Ton and 1 Ton AC to 0.8T.
The series comes with 8-Pole Inverter Technology that helps in saving energy. Like any other electronic item, it comes with different star ratings.
Other than these, Samsung’s 2020 AC line-up also includes ACs across series Eco Inverter, On/Off and Window ACs.
The Eco Inverter Series features four different strip designs and have 100% copper condenser models. It also has a new hidden backlit display and crystal design in selected models.
The company has re-entered the on/Off AC segment with freshly designed split AC in 1 Ton and 1.5 Ton 3-star AC configurations.
Customers can also avail 10 per cent cashback on Wind-Free models and 5 per cent cashback on the premium Triple Inverter Series, said the company.
(With input from agencies)