Samsung has launched a new 512GB variant of the Galaxy S10 Lite in India. The smartphone will be available in three colours, Prism white, Prism black and Prism blue starting March 1 across retail stores and online portals, the company said on Friday.
Consumers can also avail an additional upgrade bonus of up to Rs 5,000 in exchange for their old smartphones.
Galaxy S10 Lite houses triple-camera system at the rear. Steady OIS Camera (48MP), Ultra-Wide (12MP) and Macro (5MP) sensors. The device sports 32MP selfie camera.
The super-steady Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS), gimbal-like hardware that tilts the camera unit, allows the device to capture blur-free photos and videos while in action.
Galaxy S10 Lite features Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor, a long-lasting 4,500mAh battery with its 25W superfast charging technology.
The device comes with Super AMOLED edge-to-edge Infinity-O display that introduces users to the 20:9 expansive view with remarkable screen ratio.
Galaxy S10 Lite priced at Rs 44,999.
(With input from agencies)