Google Pay to impose convenience fee on bill payments via credit/debit cards
Digital payment platform Google Pay has started imposing a convenience fee on bill payments made with credit and debit cards.
India’s leading FinTech platform PhonePe on Friday announced the enablement of the UPI Unified Dispute and Issue Resolution (UDIR) system. This has led to a significant improvement in the dispute resolution time on PhonePe.
(Photo: IANS)
India’s leading FinTech platform PhonePe on Friday announced the enablement of the UPI Unified Dispute and Issue Resolution (UDIR) system. This has led to a significant improvement in the dispute resolution time on PhonePe.
UDIR is an automated, single-channel redressal system designed to seamlessly address customer issues and complaints regarding pending transactions and provide speedy dispute resolution online instead of manual file-based processes.
“From the early days of UPI launch over 6 years back to now, there has been a consistent focus on improving the success rates and transaction experience by the entire ecosystem driven by NPCI. We would like to thank the RBI for introducing the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) functionality which has further strengthened consumers’ belief in UPI,” Deep Agrawal, Head, Payments, PhonePe, said in a statement.
“We are already seeing the benefit translate into higher customer NPS. This fosters transparency and helps nurture a deeper trust in the current payment infrastructure, which is the ultimate stepping stone for scaling the ecosystem towards deeper financial access and inclusion,” Agrawal added.
The Complaint Management System allows customers to raise a complaint directly through the PhonePe app, which is then assigned to the relevant bank/PSP involved in the transaction through an automated manner for resolution.
There are three functionalities enabled currently through UDIR.
Status finalization for pending transactions — post implementation of UDIR, we are seeing about a 50 per cent improvement in resolution time.
Confirmation of refund credit to the remitters’ bank account in case of failed transactions. The ability for consumers to raise complaints can be resolved in an automated manner by the respective banks/PSPs.