Intel launches RealSense ID: On-device facial recognition for ATMs, Kiosks
Intel RealSense ID also adapts to users over time as they change physical features, such as facial hair and glasses.
One of the purposes of FRVT is to support the Department of Commerce in selecting the top providers of such solutions worldwide.
(Photo: iStock)
Biometric technologies multinational NtechLab has said that it has topped the Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) undertaken by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the US Department of Commerce.
As evaluated by the NIST based on the results of seven independent tests, the algorithm developed by NtechLab has been adjudged the best worldwide, said a statement.
The FRVT by NIST is the only global contest for face recognition algorithms that are acknowledged across the world.
One of the purposes of FRVT is to support the Department of Commerce in selecting the top providers of such solutions worldwide.
According to the statement, more than 100 algorithms from developers across the world were evaluated within the FRVT, including participants from the US, China and Israel.
“We can say with certainty that the NtechLab intelligent video-analytics platform is the best worldwide judging by a whole range of criteria. To achieve this result NtechLab engineers used the most innovative methods for neural network training and new algorithms for data processing and preparation for machine learning”, NtechLab’s Co-founder and its Head of the Neural Network Research Lab, Artem Kukharenko said.
The company which recently had said that Indian market is one of its top priorities, is looking to start a project with Indian Railways involving the use of biometric data.