Domestic manufacturer LAVA International on Monday launched an affordable phone “LAVA Z61” in its ‘Z’ series for Rs 5,750.
The device comes with 5.45-inch FHD+ display, 1GB RAM, 16GB internal storage, 8MP autofocus rear camera, a 5MP front camera and a multi-lingual support feature.
The 2GB RAM variant of the phone would be launched in August, the company said in a statement.
“With its ‘sharp click technology’, ‘Z61’ is designed to capture the most alluring, high-definition pictures and the HD+ screen allows users to consume videos in superb quality,” said Gaurav Nigam, Product Head, Lava International.
The device runs Android Oreo 8.1, powered by 1.5GHz Quad Core Processor and fuelled by 3000mAh battery.
Along with a one-time free screen replacement, LAVA has partnered Reliance Jio to offer cashback of Rs 2,200 and more to users.