


The WTO is dead, long live WTO!

The World Trade Organization (WTO), established in 1995 as the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), was envisioned as the guardian of free and fair global trade.

Keep WTO relevant

It is high time for member-states to unite and adopt corrective measures and halt the WTO from losing its relevance. The member-states should immediately strike a deal on the vital issues of the dispute settlement mechanism, thereby averting the acute danger of the WTO falling apart. Failure of the WTO would be a severe shock not only to the multilateral trading system but also to the global economy as a whole.

Patented knowledge~I

At the summit-level negotiations of WTO, India upped the ante to protect its food security, even as the US refused to agree to the demands of developing nations on the issue. Initially, India was bargaining hard for improving an already available mechanism that safeguards government purchase of staple foodgrain from low-income and resource poor farmers at subsidised prices for stockpiling, and then distributing them to the country's economically weak.