

World War I

Might makes (or breaks) right

I was really struck by a recent local news item here in New York. Some young people vandalised an equestrian statue of General William Tecumseh Sherman in Grand Army Plaza in midtown Manhattan.

Russell remembered~I

Russell's opposition to war did not stop with the end of World War I. He continued to remain a pacifist throughout. He strongly upheld the view that war was the outcome of 'possessive impulses'. The best government is a world federation of Free states. In the years immediately preceding the Second World War, Russell was again an advocate of a policy of pacification

Course of War

What was special about these cases of totalitarianism was their ideological and pseudodemocratic-cum-plebiscitary character. Here, much more radically than elsewhere, an extensive conformity of population, extending also to the social and intellectual spheres, was sought and achieved with all the means of mass indoctrination

Eclipse of the Old Order

The general perception in Europe was that democracy had won the war. It is true that the principles of democracy and republicanism emerged victorious and nationalism appeared to be their natural ally. The War posed a serious challenge to the old order of Europe putting an end to dynastic rule in several European countries. The old order changed yielding place to the new, but against a heavy price.