

World Bank

Reforms in states

The first generation of fiscal reforms in the states started with the enactment of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Acts (FRBMA) between 2006 and 2010 at the prodding of the 12th Finance Commission.

Zimbabwe’s economic outlook positive in 2025, says World Bank

Zimbabwe's economic outlook is positive, with growth expected to increase to six per cent in 2025, up from two per cent last year on the back of an anticipated recovery in agriculture and robust growth in industry and services, the World Bank (WB) said Friday.

World Bank approves loan of $125mn to Bengal govt

The World Bank communique states that West Bengal runs more than 400 programmes which provide social assistance, protection, care services and jobs through an umbrella platform 'Joy Bangla', the state's unified delivery system with focus on vulnerable group such as women, elderly, tribal and scheduled caste, people with disabilities and those in the disaster-prone coastal regions.