

West Bengal

Waterways to Success

Being a state with a great network of rivers and expansive water bodies, West Bengal boasts of one of the longest navigable waterway networks in the country, with approximately 4,593 kilometers of rivers and canals, of which 97 per cent are navigable.

Who should be the Chancellor?

As the West Bengal cabinet approves making the Chief Minister the Chancellor of State Universities, replacing the Governor, and while a Tamil Nadu university has already paved the way, amid the ongoing political tug of war, a common man might wonder what’s the big deal in this issue.

Let Learning Prevail

Admittedly, universities are run on public money and ought, therefore, to be accountable to society. They need to be managed like a corporate enterprise and become self-reliant.

Time to Introspect

During the two years of the pandemic, the new system of on-line classes emerged as a default option but only the urban middle class could take advantage of virtual education.

Chancellor’s Chair

There ought to be no grouse against Thursday’s decision of the West Bengal cabinet to reserve the rarefied chair of Chancellor of state universities for the Chief Minister.