


Is Bretton Woods fit for the 21st century?

In July 1944, delegates from 44 countries gathered in the UN sponsored Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to decide on a post-Second World War monetary and financial order.

Taiwan Prepares

If China becomes adventurous and militarily attacks Taiwan, the US most likely would intervene as broader geopolitical considerations are involved. If such a situation unfolds it would cause incalculable damage to China’s military, economy and civilian infrastructure, and result in China’s total isolation from the global economy and international organisations. So, China would have nothing to gain but everything to lose.


According to veteran foreign policy expert Michael E. O’Hanlon, “we are tending towards overhyping the China threat in a way that could raise the risks of war.”

PM declares war on corruption

The PM emphasised that there was no requirement for institutions acting against the corrupt and corruption like the CVC to work on any political agenda but to work towards making the lives of ordinary citizens simpler.