

War on Terror

Big Business must lead war on climate change

The world spent $2 trillion on military expenditure or 2.4 per cent in 2020, four times the amount spent on energy transformation. The first can only add to global carbon emission and more human and natural destruction, the other addresses our common fate.

Incorrigible state

Historical allies like the United States of America have known of Pakistani incorrigibility for years, even as parallel and unavoidable necessities ensured that they only spoke about these occasionally. Barack Obama in his memoir noted plainly, ‘It is an open secret that Pakistani military had ties with Taliban‘, whereas Donald Trump was blunter

Lessons of 9/11 remain unlearned

The mainstream distinction between ‘far right’ and ‘Islamist’ militancy can be (perhaps intentionally) confusing, given the ideological affinities between white supremacism and religious extremism. But it’s decidedly the former that has claimed far more lives in America since 9/11.

Normal Civilians?

The inability to come clean on terror and refrain from the uselessness of differentiating between good and bad terrorists is at the heart of Pakistan's failings. The real challenge is not of the capability of the State to rein in regressive forces; as much as it is of the intent of the State, this leads to shocking compromises, leniencies, and covert support.