


Does Mr Trump really want to annex Canada?

MAGA,” standing for “Make America Great Again,” is one of the new words Merriam-Webster added this October. And it seems that the MAGA star, President-elect Donald Trump, wants American territorial expansion to proceed towards “greatness.”

America and jobs

The latest US jobs data shows that as 2024 drew to a close, the labour market displayed remarkable reilience, defying expectations with robust job gains and a drop in the unemployment rate.

American role in targeting India

Two recent reports emerging in the American media are intended to lower India’s image at a time when there is a government change in the US.

Perils of IT~I

“Your product is killing people”. This was US Senator Josh Hawley addressing Meta Chief Executive Mark Zukerberg at a US Senate hearing which started on January 31. Zuckerberg’s response was evasive as ever.

Biden wins first Democratic primary in march to second term

US President Joe Biden kicked off his inevitable claim on the Democratic nomination for the president post with a win in the first of the party’s primaries held in South Carolina, a state that had changed the trajectory of his 2020 campaign.