


Water wars

Mark Twain once remarked that “Whisky is for drinking; water is for fighting over.” Fresh water is a very precious and limited natural resource even though water covers about 71 per cent of the earth’s surface.

Urban Governance

India’s urbanisation is progressing at an unprecedented pace, with the number of statutory towns growing significantly in recent years.

Fiscal decentralisation key to balanced growth

Urbanisation in India is progressing at an unprecedented pace, creating an urgent need to address the challenges that accompany it. The cities are growing, infrastructure is inadequate, and public services are under immense stress.

Good cities

Indian cities are rapidly growing into large, diverse and unwieldy urban agglo merations. It is only pertinent to reflect on…

Redevelopment of our urban housing must be inclusive

In the absence of institutionalised post-occupancy evaluations and feedback mechanisms quickly informing policy, government agencies concerned with housing seem to relentlessly repeat the number-achieving drill, ticking off beneficiary lists oblivious to the quality of living environments being created on ground.