Chronicles of trauma, crisis and buoyant memory
The reviewer is assistant professor, head of department of English, Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College, Kolkata.
The reviewer is assistant professor, head of department of English, Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College, Kolkata.
The registration under first phase of CSAS has started from September 12. The second phase will start from September 26 and will end on October 10.
It was regretted that the UGC and the AICTE were not going beyond uploading the names of fake institutions on their websites.
"We will closely monitor and make sure that university admissions take place only after CBSE results are announced," he added.
In a dual degree programme, learners can broaden their knowledge and skill base and become experts in more than one field of study.
The government enterprises ECIL and BEL, have been authorised for supply of low powered jammers for deployment in examination halls, on rental basis.
Open and Distance learning regulations have been flouted at the National University of Juridical sciences, says Arjun Agarwal.
Excellence cannot be thrust upon an institution. It has recently been acquired by Calcutta University through considerable perseverance and tenacity of purpose. The process of attaining excellence involves the recruitment of outstanding faculty, providing them with resources and facilities in terms of laboratories, libraries, and research amenities. Now that Calcutta University has retrieved its lost excellence, it is time to strive further and recover its past glory.
The Open Loop University system developed in 2014 by Stanford's Designs School envisages a stretch of six years to be used by a student and whenever he wishes to. He can start college education whenever he feels he is ready, pull out after two years, work for a few years and then loop back into the campus. The idea is that the fresh phase of education would strengthen his potential.
Kumar said that the courses would be updated as per the requirement of UGC and most modern facilities would be provided to ICDEOL to make the courses more relevant and vibrant.