

Ukraine war

Why getting rid of nuclear weapons must be a priority

A little over a quarter century ago when the book Third Millennium Equipoise came out with its final blueprint for ridding the world of nuclear weapons linked to UN Security Council reforms, there were only five countries that possessed nuclear weapons.

Agenda beyond McMahon Line

India has maintained a steady relationship with Russia, Iran and Afghanistan as well as enhanced tieups in the name of democratic solidarity in the form of the Quad comprising India, Australia, Japan and the United States.

A Proxy War

Staring at a bleak future, Ukraine continues to bleed a victim of its old and new protectors. Mahatma Gandhi’s words are totally apt for Ukraine: ‘What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?’

The Quad Fund

Amidst the ensuing mayhem and unrest, the strategic eye on the ball in terms of checkmating the future risks from Beijing are still firmly in place, as validated by the conceptualisation of the ‘Quad Fund’.

Manipulation or betrayal?

History is often written by the victor, and no finer examples can be found than from Winston Churchill’s books on the Second World War and British imperial stories, in which he played no small role.