

Ukraine conflict

World must target peace in these perilous times

While hardly any progress has been made in resolving the Ukraine conflict, another very serious conflict having wider regional and world implications has erupted in the volatile Middle-East region.

Putin won’t attend G20 Summit

The Russian president had also skipped the recent BRICS Summit in South Africa and addressed the five-nation meet via video link.

Arms smugglers will profit Saying goodbye from the Ukraine conflict

In recent years, welcome efforts have been made to regulate the trade of a wide range of arms using the Arms Trade Treaty, but a big hurdle for these noble and much-needed efforts has been encountered in the form of the activities of weapon smugglers and traffickers.

As the curtain descends on flights

The Russia-Ukraine war has widened the West-East divide and the world is on the verge of reinstating the old rusty USSR ‘iron curtain’. The start of the process is in the skies. International organizations should intervene to manage the Russia-Ukraine crisis through moderated dialogues between the nations.

American obsession with Nato expansion led to Ukraine war

In 1996, the USA interfered in the Russian elections so that its favored politician Boris Yeltsin could be elected as the President. Yeltsin implemented pro-big business and pro West economic policies that impoverished the common Russian people. This emboldened US policy makers to go back on the assurances regarding Nato expansion eastward.