


Unearth the Rainbow Nation

As the year gains momentum and travellers embark on checking off their bucket lists, numerous hidden gems await discovery, eager to be unveilled.

Seven travel predictions for 2024

As 2023 enters its final month and 2024 optimistically appears on the horizon, people around the world have emotionally checked out of the news agenda and events at home to take a much-needed breather.

A local language is important when choosing international travel destination

Duolingo predicts 2023 will be the 'Year of the Confident Traveler'. There is reason to believe that 2023 will see big changes in learners studying for travel. For one, 45 percent of Americans plan or hope to learn a language ahead of travelling in the future, according to a recent survey by Duolingo

Govt aims to boost economy by easing entry for intl travelers

The country’s border control measures, considered the strictest among the Group of Seven industrialized nations, have prompted many calls from the business community to relax them, claiming that the country is in a “state of seclusion.”

Foreign travellers to be home quarantined for 7 days in J&K

They will be re-tested on the 8th day, while the COVID positive travellers will be sent to institutional isolation centres (designated health facilities) for 15 days and their samples will also be sent for genome sequencing at ICMR designated testing laboratories.