


South Asia sits on a powder keg

"The return of the Taliban in Kabul has intensified the sectarian and communal strife in South Asia. The United States had entered Afghanistan to uproot the Taliban and eliminate Al-Qaeda. Both these objectives remained unfulfilled when they withdrew"

Pan-India raids to nab terror module mastermind Humaid

Following interrogation, it was revealed that Osama left for Muscat, Oman in April where he met Zeeshan who had also come from India. They were joined by 15-16 Bengali-speaking people and divided into sub-groups but Zeeshan and Osama were put in the same group.

20 years later

It is time to reflect on the gains that accrued in terms of ensuring global security and what needs to be done to protect them, as well as the mistakes made by the US-led West’s intervention in Afghanistan