


CPI Reassessment

In a significant move to capture the evolving landscape of consumer behaviour, India is gearing up for a comprehensive reassessment of its Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Highlights of Economic Survey 2021-22

As per IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook projections, India’s real GDP is projected to grow at 9 percent in 2021-22 and 2022-23 and at 7.1 percent in 2023-2024, which would make India the fastest-growing major economy in the world for all 3 years;

1 in 7 German companies fear for survival: Survey

Due to Covid-19 measures such as a ban of large public events and club closures, revenues in the accommodation and restaurant industry in December were 50 per cent below pre-crisis levels in 2019, according to a recent member survey by the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA).

Govt. completes survey of defence land

About 16.38 lakh acres are spread across many pockets outside the cantonments. Out of 16.38 lakh acres of land, about 18,000 acres is either state-hired land or is proposed for deletion from records on account of transfer to other government departments.