


Negotiated neutrality may be best option

At the turn of the century, when Putin popped up in the Kremlin and soon afterwards replaced Boris Yeltsin, he was widely seen as potentially a vast improvement — someone who would bring a measure of order to Russia and recharge its economy without throttling its democracy. But those keeping an eye on his brutal repression in Chechnya harboured few such illusions.

Exit strategies

Overall, India’s Covid strategy should prioritize protective measures for the elderly with diabetic, heart and lung related ailments. On the other hand, it needs to prioritise ensuring employment and income opportunities for families of the 54 crore population who are at risk of loss of livelihoods. In spite of unlocking, we cannot expect the economy will recover fully; many will lose jobs permanently

To adapt and grow rapidly

Becoming an entrepreneur is not a part-time job. It is rather a lifestyle change that affects your day-to-day living. You…