


Risk management must be driven by understanding of what is good for corporate: Ex-chairman Sebi

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) mandates that the top 1000 companies listed must have risk management procedures. However, while releasing the Model Code, Damodaran said risk management could be a voluntary exercise for others. "I am not a great believer in something being drafted into law", he said, adding, "if they don't see the value, it might end up as one more tick box," but whether it will add to corporate well-being is suspect. "Don't mandate because mandating comes with a cost".

Bombay Dyeing alleged to have published untrue financial statements

The Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) order that prohibits Bombay Dyeing and its promoters, Nusli Wadia, Ness Wadia and Jehangir Wadia from accessing the capital markets for two years and attracted heavy penalties was examining allegations that Bombay Dyeing was involved in publishing untrue financial statements and constitute manipulative and fraudulent and unfair trade practices against the minority shareholders of Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Ltd (BDMCL) and the market at large.