


STEM edge

Indian STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) graduates have long been a cornerstone of the US H-1B visa programme.

Science awareness through fair

The Breakthrough Science Society, Democratic Research Scholars Organization and Satyendra Nath Bose Science Learning Center are jointly organising the "Science Fair 2024" on the 21-22 December at Rajballavpara, Jagat Mukherjee Park, in North Kolkata.

Science vs religion-I

Like oil and water, science and religion are immiscible and belong to mutually exclusive domains without any interface. Whenever they have been attempted to be brought together, the result invariably has been confusion, conflict, and bloodshed, of which there are too many gory examples in history. Allow religion to explain the origin of theUniverse according to its own ideas, and you end up with corpses of men and women burnt at stakes.

Over 300 young researchers selected for SERB N-PDF

The fellows will work under a mentor who is in a regular academic/​research position in a recognized institution in India and this training will provide them a platform to develop as an independent researcher.