

Saudi Arabia

Hell on Earth

Wednesday’s caveat advanced by the UN’s World Food Program can thus be contextualised with the visual of a child reduced to skin and bone with an inflated tummy, recalling reports of a “starving Biafra” in the 1970s.

What to do with Iran?

The Iran nuclear deal of 2015 restricted Iran’s time period to build a nuclear bomb, called the breakout period, to 10 years. This Donald Trump felt was too little and therefore walked out of the deal. Analysts now believe that since Trump walked out, Iran has already produced fissile material sufficient for two bombs. Any new deal will have to suss out these bombs and neutralize them.

Avoidable Intrigues

Vajpayee was to use his brilliant 'Sherpa' and handpicked Foreign Minister, Jaswant Singh, for thawing and warming relations with Saudi Arabia, in particular. Jaswant, with a manifest sense of history and destiny would soon charm the House of Saud with his own desert ancestry and lifelong interest in horses

Diplomatic realpolitik

Every tenet of human rights was thus violated. By advancing what they call a “free pass” to MBS, America’s President has proffered a feeble excuse to justify his defence of the de facto leader of the desert kingdom. Biden, who had referred to Saudi Arabia as a “pariah kingdom with no redeeming social value” in course of his election campaign, has now softened his stance to a dramatic degree.